2017-2019 Executive Council Announced

Dear members of the community,

The MIA Election and Compliance commission has announced the outcomes of the MIA Executive Council (EC) election process for the term 2017-2019. All positions were elected by acclamation.

We are pleased to introduce the incoming MIA Executive Council:

Osaed Khan, President
Salman Qureshi, First Vice President
Reda Elgazzar, Second Vice President
Ferdose Sheikheldin, Secretary
Salman Idris, Treasurer
Ahmed Abdelghany, Executive Member
Raza Hameed, Executive Member

Bio sketches of the new EC members have been provided on their website.

We congratulate the incoming EC members on their election and ask Allah (swt) to guide them in serving the Muslim community and beyond. The outgoing EC is committed to working closely with the incoming EC to ensure the MIA goes through a smooth and seamless transition.


The outgoing 2014-2016 MIA Executive Council
