“United We Stand” dinner Report & Photos

The “United We Stand” community dinner was colourfully held at the Waverley mosque on February the 19th. The tickets for the event were oversold and the gym was fully packed. The main speaker at the event was Sheikh Abdullah Idris from Toronto. In addition to the key note speech, other short speeches were delivered by Christine Melnick, the Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism and the MIA President. During the dinner 2 awards of fortitude, named after Dr. Riaz Usmani were presented to Abdulkareem Aberra and Ghulam Irtiza Chughtai, in recognition for their resilience and courage in face of calamity. Also, in the event, Laura Pishak, declared her conversion to Islam by announcing shahada under the direction of Sh. Abdullah Idris. The event concluded with great joy and fanfare.

Photos of the “United We Stand” dinner:

Dr. Izzat Ibrahim, MIA President in 1974, handing awards to Br. Ghulam and Abdulkareem.

Photos of the “United We Stand” dinner:

Minister Christine Menlick

Young Volunteers of the event

Sr. Laura declaring Shahada

The Dr. Riaz Usmani, under whose name awards were named